Am I the last OPL SIBO programmer in there?
(too old to reply)
2018-03-30 14:12:25 UTC

Because of an old retrocomputed card Game I'm coding on Psion 3a/c/mx, I regularly visit this group to find out some good ideas from '96 to 98...

I was wondering if I am alone in that case...
2018-04-05 07:45:38 UTC
Post by Arch.
Because of an old retrocomputed card Game I'm coding on Psion 3a/c/mx, I regularly visit this group to find out some good ideas from '96 to 98...
I was wondering if I am alone in that case...
Sad truth is that this group isn't as active anymore these days...
2018-04-09 22:10:58 UTC
Hey, at least there's one reader, and it is not a piece of luck!
Thank you for this answer! :D
Roger Bell_West
2018-04-09 22:21:52 UTC
Post by Arch.
Hey, at least there's one reader, and it is not a piece of luck!
Thank you for this answer! :D
Still reading, but I haven't written any OPL since, um. Probably not
this century.
2018-04-11 14:29:23 UTC
Post by Arch.
Because of an old retrocomputed card Game I'm coding on Psion 3a/c/mx, I regularly visit this group to find out some good ideas from '96 to 98...
I was wondering if I am alone in that case...
I subscribed to this group, and I developed applications with OPL, OVAL many years ago :)
2018-04-12 00:09:23 UTC
Thank you, Igor, for these two signs: you're reading... and coding, very nice!

Well, it seems we're not totally alone, working on OPL projects; mine is quite complete (or, to say better, running through a wide range of OPL SIBO capabilities - Graphics, Database, and so on) without an ounce of C, SDK or whatever simply because I just prefer to start from real scratch - and also because I'm not an informatician.

Thank you for having read this piece of weak English.
2018-04-13 00:11:02 UTC
Very good news, Igor: first, you also have read my message and second, you obviously know a lot about OPL programming. It might help me...

My work brews graphics, databases and AI rudiments. But being more a teacher than an informatician, for sure my software is a bit slow to write...
2018-04-13 01:07:00 UTC
PS: thank you for your answer.
Simius Hugenot
2020-07-28 19:10:16 UTC
Post by Arch.
PS: thank you for your answer.
I use my Psion 3mx, 5Mx, and Netbook every day. The Psions are just too hard to beat.

2020-07-30 13:00:12 UTC
Post by Simius Hugenot
I use my Psion 3mx, 5Mx, and Netbook every day. The Psions are just too hard to beat.
There was a time when I was so proud of owning an Ericsson MC218 (Rebadged 5MX).
...and the screen has matte places from all the times my kids played MilleBornes on it.

Today, I must confess, that was many years ago.
Ahead of it's time then, by now time has caught up and overtaken Psion :'-(

(Though even now, it is the only portable device that could be programmed on the device itself)

Sigh... Nostaliga isn't what it used to be
Roger Bell_West
2020-07-30 13:12:22 UTC
Post by Roderik
(Though even now, it is the only portable device that could be programmed on the device itself)
Termux on Android lets you run most languages. (And emacs. What is a
telephone if it doesn't run emacs?)
